Andreas Schäfer


Andreas A. Schäfer, Dipl. Physiker
Institut für Angewandte Physik
(internet-link: "") Universität Tübingen
(internet-link: "") Auf der Morgenstelle 10
72076 Tübingen
Phone: +49 07071 / 29-76331
Fax: +49 07071 / 29-5400

Topics of my work:

electron interferometry, electron spectrometry, electron sources, spin polarized electrons, spin-polarization analysis, ultra high vacuum technology, kryo technology, thin film physics, magnetism of rare earth metal alloys, physical measurement, analog and digital electronics, programming in Turbo Pascal, Assembler, C, Fortran, VB, education in physics

Diploma Thesis: Fourierspektroskopische Bestimmung der Energieverteilung einer Feldemissionsquelle
(Fourierspectroscopic measurement of the energy width of a field emission source)

PhD Thesis: Untersuchungen an einer EuS-bedampften Feldemissionselektronenquelle
(Investigations on a EuS-covered field-emission electron source)


This page is made by myself at 14. February 1997 and is written

times since this date.

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Institut für Angewandte Physik

Universität Tübingen